| English | Croatian | |
| Do you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? | Primate li američke/australske/kanadske dolare? |
| Do you accept credit cards? | Primate li kreditne kartice? |
| Can you change money for me? | Možete li mi razmijeniti novac? |
| What is the exchange rate? | Koliki je tečaj? |
| Where is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? | Gde je bankomat? |
| How much is this? | Koliko košta ovo? |
| That's too expensive. | To je preskupo |
| I can't afford it. | Ne mogu si to priuštiti |
| I don't want it. | Ne želim to |
| OK, I'll take it. | U redu, uzet ću |
| Can I have a bag? | Mogu li dobiti vrečicu? |