| English | Croatian | |
| Help! | Upomoć! |
| Leave me alone! | Ostavite me na miru |
| Don't touch me! | Ne diraj me! |
| I'll call the police | Zvat ću policiju |
| Where is the police station? | Gdje se nalazi policijska postaja? |
| Can you help me please? | Možete li mi pomoći? |
| There's been an accident! | Dogodila se nesreća! |
| I need medical attention! | Trebam liječničku pomoć! |
| Police! | Policija! |
| Go away! | Odlazi! |
| Look out! | Pazite! |
| It's an emergency. | Hitno je |
| I'm lost. | Izgubio sam se |
| I lost my bag/purse/handbag. | Izgubio sam torbu |
| I lost my wallet. | Izgubio sam novčanik |
| Where are you taking me? | Kamo me vodite? |
| I want to talk to a lawyer. | Želim kontaktirati … |
| Call the police! | Pozovite policiju! |