I answered - Did I answer? - I did not answer
I was answering - Was I answering? - I was not answering
I worked
you worked
he worked
she worked
it worked
we worked
you worked
they worked
Byl jsem narozen v Brně.
Ne! Někdo ukradl můj fotoaparát.
Řekl jsem, že jsem byl unaven.
Zeptal jsem se jí, co dělala.
Myslel jsem, že on vařil v kuchyni.
Hrál jsem tenis 10 let.
Vařili jsme večeři, když přišel.
Včera jsem to koupil.
Řekla, že má dva bratry.
Děti si hrály v zahradě.
I was born in Brno.
Oh, no! Someone has stolen my camera!
I said I was tired.
I asked her what she was doing.
I thought he was cooking in the kitchen.
I have been playing tennis for ten years.
We were cooking a dinner when he came.
I bought it yesterday.
She said that she had two brothers.
Children were playing in the garden.