child - children
foot - feet
man - men
mouse - mice
tooth - teeth
Nepočitatelná (látky a abstraktní pojmy):
water, food, music, success,
nice - nicer - the nicest
important - more important - the most important
beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful
Irregular adjectives:
bad/evil - worse - worst
far - further - furthest
good - better - best
many/much - more - most
near - nearer - nearest
old - elder - eldest
near - nearer - the nearest
quickly - more quickly - the most quickly
I - me - my - mine - myself
you - you - your - yours - yourself
he - him - his - his - himself
she - her - her - hers - herself
it - it - its - its - itself
we - us - our - ours - ourselves
you - you - your - yours - yourselves
they - them - their - theirs - themselves
Neurčitá zájmena:
a couple - pár
a little, a few - trochu, pár, několik
a lot, much, many - hodně, mnoho
some, any - nějaký, jakýsi
no, none - žádný
one - jeden
all - všechny
every, each - každý
both - oba
plenty of - hodně
enough - dost
other, another - jiný, další
above - nad
after - po
along - podél
among - mezi (několika)
around - kolem
at - u
before - před (čas)
below - pod
between - mezi (dvěma)
beyond - za
by - poblíž
down - dolů
from - z
in front of - před
in - v
into - do, dovnitř
left - doleva
on - na
right - doprava
through - skrz
to - do
under - pod
up - nahoru
and - a
as well as - i, stejně jako
although - ačkoliv
still - avšak, přesto
however - avšak
or - nebo
either .. or - buď .. nebo
so, thus - proto, tak
Základní slovesa:
be, have, do, go, can
help, speak, read
sloveso BE:
I am, you are, he/she/it is
we are, you are, they are
sloveso HAVE:
I have, you have, he/she/it has
we have, you have, they have
Tvoření otázek:
I have - Do I have?
He has - Does he have?
I am - Am I?
He is - Is he?
I have - I do not have - I don't have
He has - he doesn't have - he hasn't
I am - I am not
He is - He is not - He isn't
Přítomný čas
I read - Do I read? - I do not read
I am reading - Am I reading? - I am not reading
Minulý čas
I answered - Did I answer? - I did not answer
I was answering - Was I answering? - I was not answering
Budoucí čas
I will go - Will I go? - I will not go
Přítomný čas
I work
you work
he works
she works
it works
we work
you work
they work
Minulý čas
I worked
you worked
he worked
she worked
it worked
we worked
you worked
they worked
Budoucí čas
I will work
you will work
he will work
she will work
it will work
we will work
you will work
they will work
I am
you are
he is
she is
it is
we are
you are
they are
I was
you were
he was
she was
it was
we were
you were
they were
I will be
you will be
he will be
she will be
it will be
we will be
you will be
they will be
Způsobová slovesa
I can - mohu
I cannot - nemohl
I could - mohl bych
I could not - nemohl bych
I may - smím
I am allowed to - je mi dovoleno
I may not - nesmím
I must - musím
I had to - musel jsem
I have to - musím
I need not - nemusím
I should - měl bych
I would (go) - (šel) bych
Modul Anglická gramatika obsahuje kolekci odkazů na stránky obsahující přehledy gramatiky, časování sloves, nepravidelná slovesa, popisy gramatických jevů, zájmena, přídavná jména, spojky, předložky a další užitečné informace důležité pro naučení gramatiky.